It’s true – investing in yourself is infinitely better than crypto. But the struggle in the doing is definitely real! Giving to yourself first before you can give to others is paramount to contentment in all facets of life… but how to do it? 

We’ve all been there.

The start of a new year, a new month, a new week or a new planetary alignment after an eclipse where everything feels a little newer, positively bristling with the excitement of our potential. Like crisp, sun-dried, white sheets on a clean, fresh bed. 

If you’re anything like me, you talk a little vaguely about changing something up – exercise more, quit those mid-week wines, see more sunrises, and how to exfoliate unhealthy relationships from under your skin.

We loosely discuss the dreams brewing in our heads, maybe put together a mood board, scroll through and screenshot a few motivational memes… and then we lose steam.

It all seems so E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G.

But what if we hit pause on the ‘I-shoulds’ and actually made a commitment to do at least one of those things?

What if, by concentrating on our real needs rather than our to-do-lists and must-dos, we learnt about the importance of valuing ourselves and our time?

Investing in yourself is an example of self-love, you must love yourself before you can expect others to love you. The message is so powerfully clear – focusing on your own potential to get results opens up an energetic shift to allow remarkable things to happen.

With that said, here are 5 ways you can invest in yourself, and pay those dividends you deserve.


Okay, so I know I said let go of the to-do lists, but setting achievable goals are vital to keeping that focus and motivation en pointe. Write down three things you want to achieve in the next three months that are solely for you, not your work, home or family life. Just you. A 10-minute meditation each day? A sunrise twice a week? A gentle stretch flow on weekdays? Write it down, and make it your time.


One of my favourite books, ‘Everything I Need To Know I Learned From A Little Golden Book’ sums it up perfectly – eat good food. While it seems a simple thing, eating good food can be challenging when you’re time poor and frazzled. But by making a conscious decision to eat food that makes your gut happy, food that makes your soul sing, you’re making a commitment to how you want to feel. 


Speaking of books, there’s something terribly Notting-Hill-romantic about books (and bookstores). The smell of a new book’s pages, the scent of an old book and the emotions of previous owners; the feel on the fingertips as you turn each page, the transporting from one world to another. Reading a book is the perfect embodiment of escapism, and who doesn’t love a little get-away-from-it-all? Lose yourself to find yourself.


Dance. Sing. Paint. Draw. Sew. Cook. Knit life-size cactuses. No matter what your outlet is, creativity can be the catalyst for continual expression. Making things allows us to be inspired, have fun and appreciate the beauty in the world. Research also shows being creative can stave off anxiety and depression, and help you visualise the kind of future you really want.


It’s very easy to fall into the dark hole of the digital world. Unplugging from your phones and devices, and especially social media, is essential for wellbeing and mental health. There’s plenty of research to support this, and in her book 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week, Emmy-nominated filmmaker and mother of two Tiffany Shlain explores how turning off screens for 24 hours each week can work wonders on your brain, body, and soul. 

While there are not many things I (or anyone) can promise you, one thing is true: when you invest in yourself, a world of opportunities will open up for you.

Do it. Thank me later.


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